Xbox game pass cloud pc
Xbox game pass cloud pc

xbox game pass cloud pc xbox game pass cloud pc

However, it’s clear Fallen Order‘s difficulty was tuned against the mainstream video game market, not against solely Dark Souls. Because of that, Fallen Order is an enjoyable romp for Souls-like fans while still being accessible to genre newcomers. It has tight swordplay, with tuned parrying and dodging mechanics. When it comes to gameplay, Fallen Order is like Dark Souls light. The result is a game that’s thoroughly enjoyable for those who couldn’t care less about Star Wars, but with enough fan service to keep franchise fans hooked.

xbox game pass cloud pc

It’s the first Star Wars game in a long time that’s concerned with being a good game, not just a licensed one. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order stands apart, though. The list of the best Star Wars games is remarkably small, despite the fact that games bearing the franchise name have been released for decades.

Xbox game pass cloud pc