Amazon affiliate marketing pinterest
Amazon affiliate marketing pinterest

Why use affiliate marketing on idea pins? You can find more details about sponsored content and other ways to make money on Pinterest without a blog here.). (Side note – I also think idea pins are great for sponsored posts with brands, whether you offer them as a standalone service or as an addition to a sponsored blog post. (That said, most Pinterest users don’t fully understand the feature, and I get many comments along the lines of “where’s the recipe?” or “where’s the link?” – even on the idea pins where I’ve shared the entire recipe in full.)īut now that idea pins continue to take over Pinterest search results, and since affiliate marketing on idea pins is a possibility, I think it offers creators a new way of approaching Pinterest strategy. There are some ways to encourage people visit your site, like having a slide at the end that encourages people to visit the site to find the full recipe, for example. Why would I want to create content and not drive any actual traffic to my site?

amazon affiliate marketing pinterest

The major downside to them? You can’t include a link to your website.īecause of this, most creators have been hesitant to use idea pins – myself included. You can utilize both photos and short-form video content for an idea pin, which can have up to 20 frames.

amazon affiliate marketing pinterest

Instead, they keep growing in views and are permanently discoverable on the platform. Idea pins are kind of like Instagram stories, but they don’t disappear after 24 hours.

amazon affiliate marketing pinterest

Pinterest announced that creators could utilize affiliate links on idea pins, and this could be an easy monetization stream to add to your business! What are idea pins? But don’t write off the platform just yet. They’ve made it clear recently that their mission is focused on keeping people on-platform as well as e-commerce. Gone are the days of Pinterest driving massive amounts of traffic to blogs.

Amazon affiliate marketing pinterest